Thursday, July 16, 2015


The story is set mainly in Dar-es-salaam and Zanzibar and is based on the bombing of American embassies in Dar-es-salaam and Nairobi in 1998. It discusses reasons for the rise of groups like Al-Qaida such as the apparently unfair treatment of Muslims by the US, the initial US backing of the Taliban in Afghanistan in their push against the Russians during the Cold War, the fear by Muslims of domination by the “unbelieving” US leading to the desire to get the US out of the middle east once the Russians had been chased out of Afghanistan. There is a discussion of the inequalities of nations in the new world order and how poverty creates a breeding ground for religious fundamentalism.

The plot revolves around Nick, a Greek American who takes a contract job in Zanzibar protecting the marine environment, Miranda Powers and a recent recruit at the US Embassy in Dar-es-salaam. Once the two meet in Dar, they fall for each other. Then there is Jack Queller, a secret service man that was supposed to have trained Osama Bin Laden when the going was good with the US. Due to some power tussle his warnings about the danger of Al-Qaida are not taken up initially. Then on the other side are the al-Qaida men represented by a ruthless Zayn, a Palestinian whose family had been murdered by Israelis, their leader “Mr Sam” whom he keeps in touch with via satellite phone, and a Zanzibari recruit who ended up shooting Zayn once he worked out that his own parents were murdered not by Americans but by him. Thrown in to assist Miranda and Nick is a Ralph Legatt, a British clove farmer on Zanzibar with some interest in protecting turtle eggs from organized poachers. The plotting of the bombing missions, how they actually took place and what the US did in response were presented like in a movie.

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