This story explores family life and social conflicts in rural Kenya, beginning with a just-married couple, Nyapol the beautiful bride and Ochoma the hard-working groom. They have a narrow strip of hill-side land to farm but after hearing stories of fertile no man’s land in Tanganyika from successful people who had migrated there, he becomes dissatisfied with the family land and decides to move over with his wife. He ignores all pleas from his wife, ageing father and other family members not to go, and they move. As told, he does get to mark out an unbelievably large portion of fertile land on arrival in Tanganyika, the wife produces three children, and he suddenly becomes wealthy.
But then an envious old tribalistic evil medicine man who feels the arriving Luo people are arrogant bastards wages ritual warfare against him and his home. He contracts a strange illness that after running into the forest and being lost for weeks, no other medicine man could cure. The “white man’s medicine” also could not cure him. His children and dependable dog begin to fall ill as well. But then as if by miracle an uninvited medicine man turns up, and succeeds in curing him. But he is promptly advised by the medicine man—and virtually forced—to abandon all the wealth he had acquired and flee back to his village, to avoid further attacks from the evil man’s front.
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