Originally titled “Black Market,” this story opens with a terrorist attack on Wall Street, “the financial capital of the world.” No terrorist demands were made by the group calling itself Green Band, and for a long time there were no real clues as to their mission. The story closes with an epilogue that surprisingly sees the dozen “wise” men that had been manipulating American politics from the shadows being wiped out, or so readers are to believe.
In between is a web of history from the Vietnam war, economic terrorism, discovery of love between key actors, deception and murder. Written in a sort of entertaining prose that lets you know it’s just a story and not for real.
The key heroes and heroines as well as bad guys include chief villain Walter Trentkamp, head of CIA, that eventually turns out to be of Russian parentage and actually working for the Russians and was really the dreaded Russia-linked international terrorist known as Francois Monserrat.
Arch Caroll is America’s undercover anti-terrorist specialist missing his dead wife, who soon finds new love, and was among those to finally blow the CIA chief’s cover and find answers to the Green Band puzzle. Caitlin Dillon is the beautiful head of SEC and one of those safeguarding the stock market that was initially under attack. She happened to be in need of her knight in shining armor, who turns out to be Arch.
David Hudson is the perfect American hero who the secret dozen wise men decided to use to thwart an Arab attempt to take over the Western economic system as well as effect a change in the American presidency. Their first aim was achieved via the Green Band group, only at the end they failed to overthrow the government, and realizing they intended getting rid of him and his group of veterans that was Green Band afterward, Hudson went and fire-bombed the homes of each and every one of them at the end.
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