This tragedy revolves around the love between a black Brazilian writer (Camilo) and a white American student (Mimi). Somewhere in between is Beth, Mimi’s friend, who apparently does not like the relationship and in a bid to influence Mimi plants an angry article very hostile to whites and contemptuous of black/white sexual relationships, for Mimi to read. The article was actually written by Obi, Camilo’s closest friend and the narrator, but Beth apparently hoped Mimi would assume it had been written by Camilo and take offense, as she had been doing some typing work for Camilo. This of course happens and the article nearly drives Mimi mad after she reads it.
She and Camilo were to be married in about nine days, but reading the article made her think that Camilo didn’t really love her, that deep down he was angry at her whiteness as manifested in the article. She decides to test him and asks him for sex the first time ever, endures the ordeal in revulsion, then goes straight to the police to report a rape. Camilo is arrested and due to a guilty conscience for his wife that died in prison from having stolen to keep them from starving to death in London years before, he pleads guilty, is jailed for life, and apparently commits suicide in jail. The story didn’t actually unfold openly like this. The arrest of Camilo was a great mystery to Obi and it took him to the end of the book to find out what actually happened.
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