This is a story of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, played out in New York several decades later. It’s the story of the Hamdy family, parents that left the Middle East to begin life in America, mother that held on to her traditional Muslim beliefs and even killing herself to avoid further humiliation, the father that married an American woman afterward and wanted to live in peace; the bitter son Nasser who slowly got entangled with terrorists, and the bright and beautiful first daughter Elizabeth. It is the story of Arabs in America, the ones for peace, and the ones for revolt by violent means as a way of communicating their resentment at America’s support for their perceived oppressor, Israel.
It is also the story of teenagers growing up and attending high school, being taught to think for themselves and make decisions on their own by their teacher, David Fitzgerald. It is the story that examines the nature and meaning of being a hero. And it is a story that throws up the issue of divorce and the fight for custody of kids. Very thrilling to read.